
Cristiano Ronaldo measures for the Museo de Cera de Madrid

The footballer Cristiano Ronaldo has signed for Madrid Wax Museum and two sculptors have taken the steps of his chiseled anatomy for almost an hour, the first step to immortalize in wax your figure, whose proportions resemble both the canon of classic beauty .

As if it were a sculpture by Michelangelo, the Real Madrid player, in shorts and bare-chested, put in the hands of professionals to take you the length of your body. A job that, although one could imagine that would be done with the latest technology, was performed using a compass, measuring tape, paper and pencil, a staging reminiscent Renaissance surprised Ronaldo himself, who opened with surprise his eyes to see those traditional tools, while not hide his smile.

What pose you would like to be immortalized?. "I do not know, maybe something simple and natural as appearing in the field floor football: standing, legs slightly apart and looking straight ahead," said the player, who armed with patience allowed her face to dissect millimeter repeating classical drawing techniques as well as their hands, neck, chest, abdomen and legs.

First, we measured the height 185 centimeters. Then, head circumference, 58.5 inches. Then shoulders 46 centimeters. Then the quadriceps, 20 centimeters deep and 18 wide, and so on until all the anatomy, including the arch of the eyebrows.

Measures that today may well represent the canon of male beauty. "This is more delicate than any medical examination," he said with humor soccer star, who had just returned from his morning workout at Real Madrid's sport city in Valdebebas, on the outskirts of the capital.

With Portugal National uniform
Aware that his image is important, Ronaldo was outstanding selection of tone in wax skin, lips, eyes and hair. "Although a lot of hair change, I have never changed the natural color of my hair," noted the Portuguese, who received the technical team of the museum in La Finca Madrid house, in the luxurious urbanization of residence.

Now, Cristiano Ronaldo wears short hair, combed to the right side, with a mischievous and witty horizontal cuts in the neck.

It is not the first time the Real Madrid striker will be immortalized in wax: his figure and is in the London museum Madame Tussauds. "I have not gone to see it, do not know what will become," said Roland, who hopes that this new sculpture, now to the Madrid museum, "look good".

The athlete appears dressed in the uniform of the Portuguese. "I think it's better that way, is my country," explained Ronaldo, who also have a third wax replica of Madeira.

As for the outstanding striker and now usually leads will look at his sculpture, he has no choice: "I do not care, all they want," says Ronaldo, who gave their lack of specificity that idea is not at all the divo the ball more than one assumes.

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Cristiano Ronaldo was also using a Herbalife T-shirt during this  body measuring session, probably, maybe now he can use our amazing products!

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Rodrigo Ferreira de Ribeiro
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O Museu de Cera de Madrid terá uma nova atração em breve. Nesta semana o craque lusitano Cristiano Ronaldo teve folga do treino do Real Madrid para tirar suas medidas e ser imortalizado em um dos bonecos do local.

O projeto é bastante detalhado, todo o corpo de Ronaldo foi medido com bastante precisão para tentar tornar a réplica de cera o mais fiel possível. Ainda não há data para o lançamento da nova estátua do museu.

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