
Cristiano Ronaldo and Herbalife Team Up for Good Nutrition

In the competitive world of professional sports, good nutrition can be a key advantage. Global sports icon and international football star Cristiano Ronaldo believes that it is essential. That’s why the Portuguese winger/forward is joining forces with Herbalife to promote great nutrition and regular exercise for people of all activity levels.

"I strongly believe in the importance of the right nutrition for me as an individual, both on and off the field,” says Ronaldo. “I am looking forward to working with Herbalife, as a company that shares my passion and brings such expertise and knowledge in the area of sports nutrition."

Herbalife Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Michael O. Johnson says that teaming up with Ronaldo is a natural. Ronaldo is a leader on his team and Herbalife is a leader in global nutrition. “One of the most exciting elements of our new relationship is that we will be working with Ronaldo to develop cutting edge sports nutrition products together, which will be cobranded,” said Johnson.

Ronaldo is already working with Herbalife Senior Director of Sports Nutrition John Heiss, Ph.D. on a comprehensive product line. As his official nutrition sponsor, Herbalife will also work with Ronaldo to optimise his own nutrition programme and provide him with a range of products to support his demanding training regimen. Finally, he will team up with the Herbalife Family Foundation to develop programs that assist nutritional health and education initiatives.

Johnson says Herbalife gets positive exposure from more than 100 sponsorships of athletes, teams and sports events. “The world is wearing the Herbalife brand and it is a testament to our products that Herbalife is attracting interest from renowned athletes in Europe and around the world.

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