
Herbalife Mission and Herbalife Family Foundation

Our Mission is Nutrition
Herbalife's mission is to change people’s lives by providing the best business opportunity in direct selling and the best nutrition and weight management products in the world.

How does Herbalife change lives?
Every day Herbalife succeeds in extraordinary ways, helping millions of people like you improve their lives through:
  • High-quality products that combine the best of science and nature for better nutrition made simple.
  • A proven business opportunity that empowers people to achieve their life's dreams, goals and ambitions.
Herbalife is proud of its mission—and its success putting improved health and well-being within reach for people around the world.

It's more than being happy, healthy, in shape and financially successful. It's feeling satisfied about every aspect of your life. From being able to spend quality time with loved ones, to enjoying fulfilling work, to feeling good about who you are and how you look.
Well-being is the foundation for a great life, and it's what Herbalife is all about.

Herbalife Family Foundation

Helping Children Around the World

The Herbalife Family Foundation (HFF) is committed to improving the lives of children around the world by supporting charitable organizations that provide one of life’s most basic necessities, good nutrition.
Our flagship Casa Herbalife program provides over $2 million in funding and volunteer assistance each year to more than 90 organizations worldwide. These funds bring nutrition to more than 8,165 children in over 50 countries on a daily basis.
If you are an Herbalife Family Foundation donor or volunteer, please know that the generosity and sincere commitment of supporters like you are the reason we can provide assistance to children and communities around the world. If you are seeking more information about how to donate or volunteer, our website contains helpful tips on how to get started.
It is truly amazing what we are accomplishing together.
On behalf of the children, thank you.
The Herbalife Family Foundation

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